e enjte, 21 qershor 2007

Are You Soft Clay?

This past fall I went to an art school called Master School of Art. I took a portrait class and got to choose who I wanted to draw, but only from a pile that the teacher had. I chose I picture of Audrey Hepburn. It took me half the school year to finish it, and I must say I got pretty tired ot staring at her face. The teacher would be like "Okay now just study the the picutrer." It seemed pretty worhtless I mean what was going to happen "OH MY! HER HEAD MOVED!" I didn't think so :P But I just had to trust my teacher even if what she said seemed kind of dumb. Finally she said I could be done, but I did not want to be done there were things that I still wanted to fix, I was not content with the way it looked, I just wanted to keep working on it. But alas it was the last day of school so I had to be done. Then as I was thinking about it I realized that Christians can get pretty comfortable with where they are in there walk with the Lord. "I am good enough where I am, I dont need to work on my sins any more. I mean look at me I have three bible chapters memoirzed, I know how to pray, and I even go to church every week." We can get used to where we are and just think that we are good enough. I know that we will never be perfect here on earth, but we have to keep walking towards the light. We have to be clay that God can mold into what He wants us to be, we cant just turn hard half way through. Dont be content with where you are, always strive to be the best that you can be. When our judgement day comes we are going to look back and wish that we had fixed the things that we thought were good enough. The only thing we can truely be content in is God himself and His will for us. Are we willing to leave every thing behind us and walk in His steps?
Isaiah 64:8 Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
Also sometimes we can think that what God is wants us to do sounds pretty dumb, and we dont understand why He wants us to do it.
Isaiah 55:9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
2 Samuel 7:28 O Sovereign LORD, you are God! Your words are trustworthy, and you have promised these good things to your servant.

4 komente:

Christine tha...

I remember that picture! I saw it finished at the art review and I was like, "That's really good! It looks just like the real one!" So I know that was a while back, but good job on it! :D
And good lesson there. :) Sometimes it's like, "God, I just don't understand. But I need to trust You, and know that I'm not God, so I do not know Your thoughts and reasons for things, but I don't understand why. I don't understand why I don't understand why. Help me to trust You, even when I can't see." So that's kinda the same as trusting the teacher even when you don't get the point of what she wants you to do. ;)
And yes, sometimes I think being soft clay is easier said than done. Sometimes we might be more molded by ourselves and the world, and therefore become hard, instead of allowing Him to mold us. Then you start thinking about things, and realized how really messed up you are, despite how good you may have thought you were. You see a bunch of flaws in your own pottery, and realize it's time for His hands to re-do you... Okay, I'm going on and on. Haha. Just had some thoughts along the lines of your post. :) It stirs up thoughts, which is a good thing. ^_^

Hannah Paul tha...

Hey dont worry about going on and on ;)I am glad that you feel like you have to say things like that, because we can encourage one another, and point things out that someone else might have missed or not thought about befor.

Christine tha...

Yeah, exactly. It's good for us as Christians to discuss our faith and related stuff. :)
BTW, did you get my e-mail about the interior design class?

Hannah Paul tha...

I have not checked my email in awhile but I did hear about the class. :) YAY!